Posted by eleanora | Posted in Best Maxi-Matic SMO-713 Elite Cuisine 2-Speed 450-Watt Smoothie Maker, Buy Maxi-Matic SMO-713 Elite Cuisine 2-Speed 450-Watt Smoothie Maker, Cheap Maxi-Matic SMO-713 Elite Cuisine 2-Speed 450-Watt Smoothie Maker, Discount Maxi-Matic SMO-713 Elite Cuisine 2-Speed 450-Watt Smoothie Maker, Looking for Maxi-Matic SMO-713 Elite Cuisine 2-Speed 450-Watt Smoothie Maker, Maxi-Matic SMO-713 Elite Cuisine 2-Speed 450-Watt Smoothie Maker, White | Posted on 10:11 PM
Don't waste your money on this blender. I make smoothies several times a week and needed a new blender so I tried this one. The jar leaked the first time I used it then got worse every time I tried it. the liquid would leak down over the blades then down the sides of the blender to puddle on the counter. It made a huge mess. The blades can be removed from the jar, so they never completely seal when you put them back in. Spend a little more money for a brand you recognize and don't waste your money on this blender -- you'll just end up throwing it away like I did.Get more detail about Maxi-Matic SMO-713 Elite Cuisine 2-Speed 450-Watt Smoothie Maker, White.
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